Angelica Gomiashvili
Angelica Gomiashvili is a Moscow based artist. She has graduated from National University of Science and Technology
MISIS, strategy management, and also received a diploma in Photography (the studio of Sergey Sonin and
Elena Samorodova, later in the studio of Rauph Mamedov) from the British Higher School of Art and Design, Moscow.
Her works give form and meaning to something touching, contradictory and unclear, what causes an internal artistic response and asks for attention.

Gomiashvili's reacent exhibitions include: 2021 Factors of spontaneity and humility, Artpogost gallery, Moscow; 2021 Hero leaves the house, Lianozovskaya Library, Moscow; 2021 Graphics, Creative Union of Artists of Russia, Innovative Cultural Center of Kaluga; 2020 BEFORE BAZA, NAZAVOD studios; 2019 Communities and Spaces group exhibition. Winzavod, Moscow; 2018 Train arrival, Ekaterina’s found, Moscow; 2018 Legends and Myths of Daily Routine, Memorial museum & research library Gogol’s House; 2018 Wingardium Leviosa, APXIV Group, Moscow