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  • Unlimited courses with no additional costs
  • Learn online at your own pace
  • Community support
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  • Q&A with mentors
  • Unlimited courses with no additional costs
  • Learn online at your own pace
  • Community support
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  • Unlimited access
  • Learn online at your own pace
  • Community support
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What You'll Get
Our goal is to deliver knowledge which enhances our students opportunities
  • Industry-Relevant Techniques
    Understanding industry-standard workflows, best practices, and the latest trends.
  • Resource Materials
    Practical demonstrations and examples of mentors showcasing techniques, explaining their thought process. Supplementary resources, such as downloadable project files, reference materials, and additional reading.
  • Comprehensive Instruction
    Start from the basics with fundamental concepts of the digital software and progress to more specialized, in-depth tutorials that cover advanced techniques, workflows, and features.
  • Affordability & Value
    Affordable courses that offer high-quality content and substantial learning resources.
  • Community Support
    Active online community where you can connect, share your work, and ask questions.
  • Flexibility & Accessibility
    Online courses that are flexible, allowing to learn at your own pace, and accessible from various devices.
What do you need to start
  • Stable Internet and Apps
    Please install the needed programmes beforehand
  • 3-7 hours per week to study
    Get ready for doing homework too!
  • Minimum prior experience
    DA Academy is created for those who are identifying themselves as digital artists and creators. Join us if you feel that traditional courses do not meet your needs